We asked our followers, through Instagram, to feel free to ask any mental health related questions they wanted to an answer to, and we received an overwhelming response!
We have been working in contact with a practising psychologist and psychotherapist (Dr. Shwetambara Sabharwal) to get answers to your questions, and we will be posting these answers on our website regularly.
Here is our first set of answers!
Question: How to keep a positive attitude during this lockdown?
Answer: In order to be happy you need to make sure you keep your thoughts positive and happy. It is definitely a challenge when you are living in a world with constant negative talks about the pandemic, but you can shift your focus away from that. Treat it just like a sensory stimuli, do not dwell over it, do not internalise it, it should just be like music that you are not registering. Focus on your own thoughts of things that you are grateful for, things that make you feel positive, and things that you can feel happy about. Another thing is that, if people in your family are talking negatively very often, sit them down and point out that you have observed them being very anxious, or stressed, and is there anything that can be done about it. It is definitely worth it to extend that helping hand because sometimes just pointing it out to someone can bring them out of their misery and make you feel better. Think positive but at the same time be rational with yourself, there are times when fear might creep into your mind reminding you of the thousands of things that are going on around us right now, but you do not have to think about it or dwell over it all the time. If you think it is a complete downer to your day, most important is self love and self care by ignoring the conversation and the negative thoughts.
Question: How to reduce anxiety in just a few minutes?
Answer: Busting anxiety in minutes -
Take a deep breath * 2
Visualise the Co2 and toxins exit
Recognise the time, place, and task at hand
Is anxiety over this harming me or helping me?
What is the best I can do here and now!
(Questions answered by Dr. Shwetambara Sabharwal)